Program Structure

Predoctoral Fellowships

The NIMH training grant currently funds 2 to 4 fellowships for predoctoral trainees in health psychology or other areas of psychology. Students are typically appointed in their second or third year of training and are usually funded for two years. The training grant pays for tuition and fees and provides an annual stipend set by NIH ($27,144 per year in 2023-2024), plus health insurance, conference travel funds, and some training-related expenses. Invitations to apply for openings are circulated to all Psychology graduate students when they occur, typically in March. All trainees have a primary and secondary sponsor among the training faculty.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

The NIMH training grant currently funds 2 fellowships for postdoctoral trainees focusing on mental health as it intersects with any of our other areas of expertise. Applicants must have completed a PhD in an accredited psychology program or related field. Openings are advertised and inquiries are accepted at any time. Each postdoctoral fellow enters the program with a designated primary and secondary faculty mentor, one of which is typically from the core faculty.